Monday, June 7, 2010

Oak Sketch

"Oak Sketch"
6" X 6" Oil on Panel
I painted this one this morning just to put something up on this blog. I've been busy working on a larger piece and it's been a while since I've worked very large at all. It takes a little while for me to paint large the way I paint small, hahaha. I was using the new Utrecht paints I had recently bought on the large painting but wanted to try them out on one of my daily small paintings to see how they handled. I was already more than happy...almost giddy, with the great greens these Utrecht paints make. I'm using Cad Yellow Light, Ultramarine Blue and Alizarin Crimson to make my greens and these honestly work as good as Winsor Newton paints....mainly, the WN Cad Yellow Pale. Using the Utrecht colors I was able to easily mix my favorite greens and they were rich colors....I'm very happy with the Utrecht paints so I'm really glad I gave them a try. Another nice thing is they are pretty affordable paints.

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